The Faces of APS

Saturday, December 08, 2007

*Exclusive* 2007 APSFA Holiday Ornament

*Exclusive* 2007 APSFA Holiday Ornament

It's that time of year!! Our Exclusive 2007 APSFA snowflake ornament is available for purchase. The ornaments are made of porcelain and feature our one of a kind snowflake design. These are dated and are only going to be available until Dec 31, 2007 so purchase yours while you can!

The ornaments are $7.99 each with $2.00 of that going right back to the APSFA.

Click HERE to purchase our Exclusive 2007 Holiday Snowflake Ornament:

Brought to you by the APS Foundation of America

Here is a Cafe Press Coupon to help with your order:

Save $10
when you spend $50 or more!


Enter the coupon code


when checking out.

Coupon expires 12/15/07... so hurry!