The Faces of APS

Saturday, April 21, 2007

APSFA is looking for volunteers


The APS Foundation of America, Inc is a volunteer run organization. Without the people who run things behind the scenes, the APSFA could not provide to you the services that we do. If you are not familiar with the services we have to offer some of them are: a private online support forum which has hundreds of medical articles posted on a monthly basis, our extensive website that is constantly being checked for accuracy and updated to ensure our information is current, our informational brochures and other documents available for download, over a thousand of related links on our links pages, and a list of doctors in the USA who were recommend by other APS patients.

This time of year is extremely overwhelming for us because a lot of legal paperwork needs to be filed for our taxes and each state requires that we renew our applications so we have to focus on those. Unfortunately in doing so, we end up short in other areas that are important for continued success of the foundation.

We are currently looking for people who are willing to volunteer their time and talents to the APSFA to help us with things behind the scenes. Some of the areas in which we need assistance are as follows in no particular order

  • Grant Writing
  • Writing Newsletter Articles, including patient stories
  • Writing Press Releases
  • Writing Articles for public magazines such as Woman’s Day, Good House Keeping, etc.
  • Making podcasts and videos dealing with APS
  • Making Public Service Announcements for TV & Radio
  • Attending related seminars/conferences
  • Attending local Health Fairs
  • Contacting Hospitals & Related Agencies
  • Fundraising

If you are interested in volunteering to work with the APSFA in any of these areas or have any other suggestions, please email us at and let us know. If you are a forum member, please also let us know your username. We will be setting up a special private area on the forum for the volunteers to share ideas and chat with each other.

Thank you for your time and continued support.

APS Foundation of America Staff
Tina, Heidi & Todd

APS Foundation of America, Inc

Thursday, April 12, 2007

CoaguChekXS Strip Insert

CoaguChekXS Strip Insert

Literature clearly states that this machine has problems with APS patient and patients with the Lupus Anticoagulant. This is for the CoaguChek, CoaguChekS and CoaguChekXS. Please call technical support at 800-428-4674 for more information. Those using this machine should be getting vein draw comparisons at least every 6-8 weeks.